
The Importance of Problem Solving Skills and Problem Resolution

Problem Solving – The Skill We All Need

In today’s world, organizations need problem solvers on their team.  They need people they can rely on when the chips are down, and the levels of stress are up. People who can assess a situation with a fully lucid mind, in a calm, rational way are much sought after assets to any company. We all face challenges in our lives that require skills and experience to resolve. Our intrapersonal relationships with family members, people we deal with, our day-to-day decision making, a meeting with our doctor or bank manager may require tactful problem solving skills.  

What is problem solving?

Problem solving involves first and foremost identifying the problem, secondly alternative solutions must be created. Next is the evaluation and selection of alternatives and lastly is the implementation stage where solutions are applied. It also involves diagnosing why a problem happened or happens, what factors cause it or influence it and taking action to change the pattern, therefore eliminating the problem. 

To recap, the problem solving skills definition is the ability to identify and assess a certain difficult situation and having the skills to find the best or most effective solution. The person with an acute problem solving ability can hone in on the situation, and has the solution and the means to resolve the problem. Problem solving is getting to the route or cause of the problem and eliminating it. It is part of our day-to-day lives and whether the problem is big or small we all have to learn problem resolution.  Finding the best way to resolve the problems so that they don’t recur and damage limitation are key to problem solving.  

What are problem solving skills?

Problem-solving skills are important in all aspects of life, at work or within relationships with family and friends.  Some people seem to have a natural problem solving ability. They manage to stay calm in a situation of crisis and chaos while the rest of us are unable to keep emotions out of it. If we take a closer look at the characteristics of people who are good at problem solving, we see that they have other skills that are connected to problem solving ability, some problem solving skills examples are: the ability to analyze, the ability to listen well, good communication skills, assertive decision-making ability, ability to identify and research information. Problem solving skills involve being able to make good decisions and assessing the risk of those decisions.  Problem solving in the workplace is a much sought-after skill and during the selection stage many companies look for these other side-skills, easily identified during interviews, a good listener, a good communicator, researcher etc…   

Problem solving in the workplace

Why is problem solving important in the workplace?  The answer is simple- quick, efficient problem solving means a smoothly running organization that can stay on top of problems while focusing on their business. Problem-solving within the workplace allows us to have control over the work environment. 

Problem solving examples in the workplace include risk management; being able to assess and manage risk and being aware of the cause-and-effect of what is going on in the work environment means the organization runs more smoothly.  Anticipating obstacles, foreseeing problematic situations and implementing solutions are other examples. If your department has become a bit uninspired and lacking in creativity you could suggest weekly meetings to solicit new ideas and creativity.  This could put the department back on its feet and get the buzz back between employees, who are given the chance to communicate their ideas with a positive outcome. 

Problem solving in the workplace means improved performance where less disruption, thanks to quick-action problem solving skills, allows the business to thrive.  

How can you improve problem-solving skills?

If you don’t consider yourself to be a problem solver then have a think about this; every day in our lives we have to problem solve…big and small “issues” are thrown our way daily that we have to deal with and resolve. It might just simply be coming up with a meal for dinner, getting in contact with the plumber for that broken pipe that has been leaking for two days… or making bigger decisions like changing jobs – but no-one avoids it. 

Here are some ways to help you improve on your skills of problem solving:

Focus on the solution– don’t fixate on the problem.   By only looking at the problem (which is causing stress) you are focusing on the negative side only, which affects how we think.  That is not to say that the problem should be ignored, but focusing on solutions, trying to find the answer takes the negativity out of the situation. 

Identify the problem– to help you do this, you should ask “why”.   This will help you get to the cause of the problem and allow you to find a solution.

Make things simple – don’t make a stressful situation more complicated than it needs to be.  Go back to basics and strip the problem bare – find the easiest and most obvious solution, which is, quite often, the simplest way. 

The problem-solving skills definition includes the ability to communicate well, to think on your feet, to find the solution the easiest and quickest way possible. Lockdown Rooms offer not just a fun-filled activity, but they also help improve every single problem-solving skill. The combination of having to solve a puzzle, using communication, creativity, teamwork and listening skills will boost confidence in problem solving skills that will last long after you’ve left our escape rooms.  Why not give us a call or get online to book a fun activity for your co-workers or friends? 


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